Thursday, December 12, 2013

Colleges & Workplaces snooping through people's Social Media posts

Recently, a young student hoping to attend Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, was unfortunately rejected due to the fact that she had made explicit comments about the the attendees present with her during a campus information session, after the admissions office had caught mention of this, they had read every single tweet and had decided to not let her into the college, because of the comments made about attendees. This makes me worried about my personal digital footprint, as some things that I have posted online are not exactly appropriate or approved by everybody in the whole world. For me, that's acceptable. I don't expect to be the most considerate person in the whole world, and I know I can't make everybody happy, but I certainly enjoy posting things on the internet and browsing it, and I hope colleges respect that in a way that I can still keep my school and internet lives separate.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Updated Artist Card

This is my updated artist card. I really enjoyed making this piece because I made it into a pseudo-political statement. I love America I just hate meow.
I mean, It's a pretty nice statement but the imagery behind it is even better.

Monday, December 9, 2013

KAWS & Mortimer

Kaws and Dylan Mortimer

     Kaws and Dylan Mortimer are two very diverse and different artists. They both express their personal views through an abstract style. Dylan Mortimer is a much more faith-oriented artist, creating pieces of art to represent his self and his faith in his religion. KAWS on the other hand is driven by more socio-culture and pop culture. Creating pieces based on shows such as The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants, Mickey Mouse, and Charlie Brown. His signature puffy skull and crossbones is presented in almost all of his work, acting as one of his signatures on his pieces. They are both amazing artists, but I don't really appreciate their work all that much, although very amazing in each of their own works.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My artist card I had developed for a business card. I liked the colors and I developed it through looking at several different images and putting them together and adding a minimal font to make it stand out and look a lot nicer than a standard font.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Personality; ESFJ

For a personality test I had scored an ESFJ/ENFJ score. With little to no preference over sensing and intuition. My personality is very extroverted at most points, but at some points I prefer to be a much more closeted person and be quiet and to myself. A lot of famous politicians and revolutionaries are ESFJs, including Andrew Carnegie, Colin Powell, and Harry S Truman. I also scored an ENFJ, based on the score that I received with only 1% preference of sensing over intuition, which included such activists such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. I like to believe that your personality reflects your artistic style, I use a lot of bright colors and spaciousness, I love to mix with colours and see which ones work with others and utilize that in my pseudo color theory ways.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Graffiti vs. Logos

Graffiti Vs. Logos

Graffiti and logos are both seen as opposite spectrum works of art, they both represent different things and places, they also act upon people in different ways as well as making people see things in a different representation that what may normally be seen.
Graffiti is often seen as a degradation of public property, a lot of people view it as being deviant and not any sort of art at all. But as of late, a lot of people have been interested in the whole Banksy fad that's going around nowadays, he's being recognized internationally for his political and social statements through the use of graffiti, many people finding it disrespectful and outlandish. I personally enjoy graffiti a whole lot, but only when it's actually expressive. A lot of gang-related graffiti is often spread all over the place.
Logos represent corporations and small-businesses, they are as diverse as Graffiti, maybe not as expressive and obnoxious at points, but definitely diverse. There are all different kinds of logos and all different style of graffiti and the impasse between the two is amazing.